Thursday, September 30, 2010
Day 7 - A gift after the rain
I just don't know what draws me to rainbows but I do love them. And a double is even better. This is one of God's most beautiful gifts he gives us to look at. It completely amazes me how bright and colorful they are. For some reason I can never find the end to one. I know what is where the gold is. Do you ever try to find the end to a rainbow when you were little?
Monday, September 27, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Day 6 - A little piece of Heaven
I had decided to quit my 30 day challenge because I am so good at that(the quitting part). But I thought maybe I would just continue and see how long it takes me to do it.
This is a picture of a place I have passed several times over the years but this Saturday it seemed so peaceful and absolutely gorgeous. It maybe because of how stressed I have been lately or maybe I'm just opening my eyes more to the beauty of nature. What God has created for my eyes to see. It takes my breath away when I realize how special I must be to God for Him to allow me the responsiblity of the earth that He created. This must be a piece of Heaven on earth.
[caption id="attachment_121" align="alignnone" width="1024" caption="Table Rock"]
This is a picture of a place I have passed several times over the years but this Saturday it seemed so peaceful and absolutely gorgeous. It maybe because of how stressed I have been lately or maybe I'm just opening my eyes more to the beauty of nature. What God has created for my eyes to see. It takes my breath away when I realize how special I must be to God for Him to allow me the responsiblity of the earth that He created. This must be a piece of Heaven on earth.
[caption id="attachment_121" align="alignnone" width="1024" caption="Table Rock"]
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Day 5-Praise God
Day's 5 picture is of a 87-year-old man getting Baptised in the lake. His name is James and is one of the sweetest men I have ever known. About a month ago he was saved one Sunday morning. The very next Sunday he stopped breathing and had no pulse during church. I was sure he was gone to be with the Lord he had just come to know. We were relieved to find out that he was revived and is doing well. On this special day in September he was Baptised in Lake Hartwell by paster Rex Simmons.
This is proof it is never too late to give your life to Christ. He was born again at 87. Imagine that. He will now have eternal life with Christ.

This is proof it is never too late to give your life to Christ. He was born again at 87. Imagine that. He will now have eternal life with Christ.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Day 4 - Fall Fire
There is nothing like a nice Autumn fire. My husband loves to make them and I love to sit in front of them with a cup a coffee. It is a great bonding time for us. Nothing to get in our way of talking to each other. Some how we always end up taking about our kids. Go figure. The fire seems to draw you into it and before you know it you can't take your eyes off of the flames. It really calm me and seems to calm the world around me.
[caption id="attachment_102" align="alignnone" width="768" caption="Fall Fire"]
[caption id="attachment_102" align="alignnone" width="768" caption="Fall Fire"]
Monday, September 13, 2010
Day 3 - God's gift to me...My boys
There is nothing more intoxicating then the sight of my two perfect babies. I was truly blessed 18 years ago with Hayden and then again 16 years ago with Austin. They can fill my heart, make me smile, laugh and cry. I never get tired of looking at their sweet faces.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Day 2 - Looking Up
I love going into the woods and looking up through the trees. A simple peek at an unreachable space.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Day 1 - I said Good Morning!
Every morning I wake up and try my best to drag my lazy but out of bed. It's one the most difficult thing I do. I always lay there til the last-minute and rush rush rush to get ready. Today was not different. Throw my clothes on heat the coffee water and gather all my stuff in one pile so that I can run out the door. I finally got my coffee fixed and was ready to jump in the truck and speed to work. Threw the door open, ran out and about the time I passed Sammy's dog house I looked up and BAM. God said Good Morning Amy this is for you. I looked across the yard and saw the most beautiful sky. I had planned to take my camera with me everywhere but as usual I had left it in the house. I dropped everything, ran back in the house and grab the camera and started snapping.
[caption id="attachment_89" align="alignnone" width="1024" caption="Good Morning"]
This is a reminder that each day we get a beautiful fresh start. No matter what happened yesterday, today is a new day.
[caption id="attachment_89" align="alignnone" width="1024" caption="Good Morning"]
This is a reminder that each day we get a beautiful fresh start. No matter what happened yesterday, today is a new day.
30 days through God's eyes
I've decided to rename the challenge. God sees it all, the big stuff and the little stuff and everything in between. He sees what we don't bother to take time to see. I feel like this challenge will encourage me to take the time to slow down and look at the world in another way.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Say cheese! :)
I'm about to take on the 30 days of beauty. I have thought about it a lot and have some reservations. My camera, even though new, still isn't what I really want. It's just ok. I just want it to capture what my eyes see and it just doesn't. I'm looking forward to the challenge. I'm by no means a photographer so this will truly be a challenge for me. I feel like I'm cheating a little because I am starting at the most beautiful times of the year. Wish me luck!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Do u YoGo?
Yes, I am addicted to YoGos Express. An no it's not because my son works there. What's YoGo Express you ask. It's a frozen yogurt place. You walk in, grab a cup and go at it. It's self serve. First u choose ur flavor. They have about 10 or so flavors such as Cake Batter, Georgia Peach, Red Velvet, cappuccino and my Favorite Peanut Butter. You can get a much or as little as you want. Next stop is what I call the wet bar. They have fresh fruits and such. then u hit the sauces. I usually get hot fudge but they offer hot fudge, hot caramel, chocolate and white chocolate syrup and more. Then u have the wall of toppings. Crumbs of Oreos, cereals, vanilla wafers, candy bars, it's
endless. at least 20 different choices. At the very end u place ur cup on the weighing machine and pay. $.42 an ounce. Enjoy! Yummy to my Tummy. I almost always get peanut butter with hot fudge. Scott layers his all the way to the top.
A Bite to Eat
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