I'm starting a Bible study in Sept. But I need some help on what to name it. Let me tell you a little about it. It is a hiking Bible study. We will meet on Sat mornings and drive to a location where we will share learn and get to know each other. There will be a Bible study and activity to go along with the short hike. At times the hikes will be longer depending on the ability of the group. After the hike we will eat a packed lunch and fellowship with each other and then head back home. This is a great way to meet new people, learn about Jesus and get some exercise. There will be about 5 to 6 women / girls in each group. You don't have to be an active hiker for this. As long as you have a pair of tennis shoes you will be good to go. I will post the site to sign up soon. Now please help me put a label on this. [polldaddy poll=3563079]
I think its a great idea....I like the name ideas but before i vote I really want to think on it.....I'll let you know later. :D
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