He said I would live forever! I’m not sure that’s what I was looking for. I was discussing my digestion issues with a friend of mine at work and she suggested a smoothie recipe that she eats every morning.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Live forever.... No thank you but I will feel good now.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Fall Pillows
We do a hayride every year at our fall party. And every year all the guest go searching my house for blankets and pillows. I then spend the next week picking straw off everything. So, this year I decided to make some inexpensive pillows for the hayride. I had a lot of fun doing this and personally thought they came out pretty cute.
I bought:
1 yard of brown fleece for $2.97
1 yard of copper fleece for the same
4 standard size pillows from Target for $2.50 each
Felt for a craft store for $.20 each
For the little pillows I cut a standard pillow in half and sewed the opening shut. This was the least expensive way to do it.
I basically made some pillow cases out of the fleece. I cut the yard in half and the cut one of those halves in half again for the two little ones. This gave me one large pillow case that I inserted on whole standard size pillow in and two small pillow cases that I inserted the halved pillows in.
I then cut out various fall shapes out of the felt. This is where you get to use your creativity. Some of the felt I sewed on and some of it I hot glued on the pillow cases. If you choose to sew you need to do this before you sew the case together.
To keep the cases closed I used Velcro. This way I can just store the cases with my fall décor and make Christmas pillow cases to insert the pillows in.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Mama has a new bag!
Pattern Simplicity 2617 Purse B
I have been dying to make a purse for the fall. And to my luck Hancock Fabrics had a huge sale on patterns. Picked one out and I almost couldn’t wait until I got home to start.
I have never sewn a pocket like the one in this bag. And to my amazement it was soooo easy. Also, I bought a sewing machine that has 89 stitches and had yet to find anything to use the decorative stitching on. So when the instructions said to use decorative stitching, I about peed in my pants.
It was “sew” much fun. It’s not a beginner pattern, but for someone looking to take the next step, it is perfect.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
My craft room.
This is my very first tutorial. I had so much fun making this that I really felt like I need to share.
My home is space challenged. And my pocket is money
challenge. So I had to figure out a storage plan that was cute and inexpensive.
This was my solution. I made this small chest of drawers for under $20.
All you need:
1 sheet of plywood – around $10 at Lowes or free from your
man’s garage like I did.
Wood glue
Fabric of your choice for the drawers
Paint for the chest
Glue of any kind
My chest of drawers was 8 inches deep by 29 inches tall by
21 inches wide. Because that was all the space I had.
So I first cut out my pieces for my drawers. (2) front and
back 7 ½ inches x 20 inches and (2) sides 7 1/2 by 7 1/2 and the bottom is 71/2
by 19 ¼ . Glue and nail all those pieces together to make a box. Do this for as many drawers as you need. I had
Now cover the drawers with the fabric. Cut the fabric to fit
and glue it to the drawer. Make sure to spread the glue so that it doesn’t soak
through the fabric. Cover the inside too.
Make the chest out of the plywood (may require your husbands
help). Glue and nail it together and then paint. I spray painted to save money
and time.
Add some cute coordinating drawer pulls to the front of each
drawer. I got mine on clearance at Hobby Lobby and Lowes. I paid $1 for one and
$.50 each for the other two.
Place drawers in chest once it dries and you have yourself a
great place to store your crafts.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Garden 2011
My 2011 garden was bigger then ever. Four above ground beds!
I started a little early because I was so excited that I just could not wait until the suggested April 15.
I started with lettuce and boy did I love growing these. You can really taste the difference in just out of the garden lettuce. It totally amazes me how God created these veggies to grow. I really enjoyed going out everyday to see how the leaves had curled into the other leaves.
This is my Tomato patch. I had tomatoes growing out my ears. I tried to can some but found freezing them to be much easier. Next year, I think I will stick to around 4 or 5 plants though.
I tried my hand at canning and fell head over heals for it. I love to make bread and butter pickles but no thanks to canning tomatoes. It just takes way to long.
OK, this is my pride and joy, my okra. Not only was it a huge success but I really enjoyed picking, cutting and freezing it. I can't wait to make some soup with it this winter. Of course fried okra is a big hit at our house.
I tinkered around with a few different types of peppers. I really don't know why because I only like bell peppers and banana peppers. The others are just pretty. But I think I will pass next year and save the real estate for something I will eat.
I planted a few pumpkins and got only two out of it. But they were they cutest things ever. They had to go though. They were the main attraction for the squash bugs.
I ended up going at war with squash bugs and they won. I hate those darn things.
Another new one this year was Peas. They were good but just eat that many of them. I'm pretty sure I will pass on these next year as well.
2011 garden's winners were - Tomatoes, Okra, cucumbers, bell peppers, banana peppers and squash.
2011 garden's losers - pumpkins, peas, winter squashes, any peppers other then what is stated in the winner circle, any herbs (I don't use them).
2012 garden to be's - potatoes (reg and sweet), onions and red bells.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Year 35! Come and Gone....
Well tomorrow I turn 36. I started gathering pictures for this post and boy have I had an eventful year. How I did it all I will never know.
Started my 35th year with an adventure in my favorite place Bryson City. I so badly wanted to ride a horse and Zip line. To sum that up I have had my fill of horse back riding.
Another first was to fry a turkey. And the picture tells it all. Believe it or not it was good.
I started and ended 'Hiking 4 Jesus'. This was a hiking bible study that just would not take off. We would go on a hike and then have a snack and bible study after the hike. With gas prices and the distance of the hike, it just wasn't something anyone could manage. We had about 4 or 5 great hikes.
I met little miss Esme'. She is just the prettiest little girl.
Had the best Christmas of my life. We rented a cabin in Bryson City for 4 days. We got there and opened presents and hit the sac. Woke up to 6 inches of snow. It was just me Scott, Hayden and Austin. I truly believe this trip was a gift from God.
With a huge snow in the beginning of 2011, I had to take a trip down the big hill. Schools and work closed and everyone had a blast for two full days.
Spring has sprung and time to get outside and get gardening. Biggest ever this year.
First time to bike week in Daytona FL. Bought a bike three weeks later.
Time to hit the mountains again for a little R&R with the hubby. We had a blast and can't wait to go back.
As if we haven't had enough nature, it camping time.
Then we bought a pop-up camper.
My garden was amazing and now it was time to do something with the fruit (or Veggies) of my labor. I thought I would try my hand at some bread and butter pickles. Now I have 20 jars. And they are awesome! Yummy.
Now off to summer vacation in June. Destination - Clearwater FL. Wonderful condo but really nothing to do for the kids. We still had a great time and woke up to dauphins every morning.
Last but not least, it's time to see if Sammy can swim.... and he can. YAY! Go Sammy.
I had a great 35th year and can't wait to see what my 36th has to offer.
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