Friday, March 2, 2012

New Bag

There is no doubt that my taste is bigger then my wallet. I was recently looking for a carryon bag for a trip and of course the VeraBradley big duffle bag caught my eye. There is just no way I can spend that amount of money on one bag. So I had to come up with an alternative. I went to Hancock Fabrics and got the Butterick Weverly pattern number B5581 when it was on sell for $1.99. Seemed doable I thought.

Now finding a fabric that I liked enough to but all this hard working into and that I could afford was not going to be easy. Last month I went to the All About Fabric sale in Williamston and they had these Roman shades on sale for $5.00 each. Amazing. I found one that I loved for a bag but not a shade. I ripped all the lining out and the little plastic circles and began my project.

So basically by huge duffle bag (22x12) cost a total of $6.99. I think it turned out pretty great and was fairly easy. I call it the Oval Office bag. lol. I started yesterday and finished it today. I would say about 3 to 4 hours total.


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